Lucky Text lets users earn discounts to their favorite places by simply texting!
Tired of seeing ads pop up when youre trying to watch a video? Or listening to an online radio station and your music is interrupted to bring you a message from someone or something you dont care about? So are we.
Unlike current discount providers these days, we at Lucky Text dont believe in sending users hundreds of annoying emails a week. Instead, we believe that is more effective for our users to choose a discount they want, to a place they like. Our users can choose the venue they want to go to and select a discount theyre interested in. After that, users simply text.
To win a discount, every time a text comes in, our custom made slot machine will spin, earning you credits. Win enough credits and you win a discount!
Its completely free for the users and easy to use.
What are you waiting for? Sign up today and start winning discounts!
*Note: We currently only have Partners in Chicago, but we definitely want you to check out our app. Choose the Just For Fun category if there are no vendors near you. For more information, check out our website!